Face Coverings & Social Distancing in Healthcare Settings
The Government has made the decision to ease many restrictions from the 19th July 2021.
Please note that Public Health England has confirmed the easing of restrictions does not change the infection control requirements in healthcare settings.
From 19th July you will still be required to wear a face covering/mask, use hand sanitiser, maintain social distancing and only enter the building only where necessary e.g. for an appointment, drop of a sample
The health centre is not the same as public transport, a restaurant or the supermarket – our visitors are unwell, vulnerable and may not be be vaccinated due to medical reasons.
We have experienced absence due to staff having Covid or close contact outside of work with someone who has Covid. This hugely affects our ability to answer the phone and let you in for your appointment.
The continuing of appropriate infection control procedures protects our patients and their health and protects our staff to help you – without our staff we cannot deliver an effective, functioning service to you.
Consultations will continue to be offered by telephone / video and then followed up face to face where clinically appropriate – we are seeing many more people face to face in follow ups. Our nurses and doctors have seen patients face to face for vital clinical procedures and specialist contraceptive procedures throughout the pandemic. It is worth noting that we are consulting with higher numbers of patients than we ever did before the pandemic, whilst also having played a big part in the vaccination programme delivery. Our doors are have always been open – just in a different way.
We hope you will understand why we need to continue with these measures and keep the practice as safe for everyone as we can. We have all come so far in trying to minimise the impact of Covid, let’s continue to stay safe together.
If you attend the practice and refuse to wear a face covering without a valid exemption reason you may not be allowed access. The clinician who is due to see you has the right to ask you to rearrange your appointment.